




[cc lang="c++"]
#include "graphics.h"


#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626

const int sc_width = 640;
const int sc_height = 640;
typedef void * HANDLE;

typedef struct STAR
float x;
float y;
float z;
float r;
float R;
float rad;
int color;

typedef struct SCENE
float dx;
float dz;
float drz;
float fs;
int key[4];
PSTAR star;
int nMaxStar;

double frandom()
return (double)random(10000) / 10000;

void InitStar(PSTAR star)
star->y = (float)(frandom() * 2 - 1.0);
star->R = (float)sqrt(1 - star->y * star->y);
star->r = (float)(frandom() * PI * 2);
star->rad = (float)(frandom() * 0.01 + 0.01);
star->color = 0xFFFFFF;

void MoveStar(PSTAR star, double dt)
star->r += star->rad * (float)dt;
if (star->r > 2*PI)
star->r -= (float)(2*PI);
star->x = (float)(star->R * cos(star->r));
star->z = (float)(star->R * sin(star->r));

int alpha(int color, float a)
int r = color&0xff, g = (color>>8)&0xff, b = (color>>16)&0xff;
r = (int)(r*a);
g = (int)(g*a);
b = (int)(b*a);
return rgb(r, g, b);

void DrawStar(PSTAR star, float dz, float drz)
float bz = 0.5f;
int color = star->color;
struct point3d t = {star->x, star->y, star->z};
rotate_point3d_z(&t, drz);
float z = star->z + dz;
if (z < 1.0f + bz) { } else if (z > 0)
color = alpha(color, 1.0f / (z - bz));
draw_point(&t, color);

int __stdcall on_msg_key(HANDLE param, unsigned msg, int key)
PSCENE scene = (PSCENE) param;
if (msg == MSG_EVENT_DOWN)
if (key == 'W')
scene->key[0] = 1;
else if (key == 'S')
scene->key[1] = 1;
else if (key == 'A')
scene->key[2] = 1;
else if (key == 'D')
scene->key[3] = 1;
else if (msg == MSG_EVENT_UP)
if (key == 'W')
scene->key[0] = 0;
else if (key == 'S')
scene->key[1] = 0;
else if (key == 'A')
scene->key[2] = 0;
else if (key == 'D')
scene->key[3] = 0;
return 0;

int __stdcall on_update(HANDLE param, float ms)
PSCENE scene = (PSCENE)param;
scene->fs += 0.001f;
if (scene->fs >= 1.0f)
scene->fs -= 1.0f;
scene->drz += 0.01f;
if (scene->drz > 2*PI)
scene->drz -= (float)(2*PI);
if (scene->key[0])
scene->dz -= 0.01f;
if (scene->key[1])
scene->dz += 0.01f;
if (scene->key[2])
scene->dx -= 0.01f;
if (scene->key[3])
scene->dx += 0.01f;
return 0;

int __stdcall on_render(HANDLE param, float ms)
double dt = ms * 0.06;
PSCENE scene = (PSCENE) param;
int i;

struct point3d t = {scene->dx, 0, -scene->dz};
for (i = 0; i < scene->nMaxStar; i++)
MoveStar(scene->star + i, dt);
DrawStar(scene->star + i, scene->dz, scene->drz);
struct point3d pcenter[2] =
{0, 1, 0},
{0,-1, 0}
struct point3d pbox[8] =
{ 1, 1, 1},
{ 1, 1,-1},
{ 1,-1, 1},
{ 1,-1,-1},
{-1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1,-1},
{-1,-1, 1},
rotate_point3d_z(&pcenter[0], scene->drz);
rotate_point3d_z(&pcenter[1], scene->drz);

draw_line(&pbox[0], &pbox[1]);
draw_line(&pbox[2], &pbox[3]);
draw_line(&pbox[4], &pbox[5]);
draw_line(&pbox[6], &pbox[7]);
draw_line(&pbox[0], &pbox[3]);
draw_line(&pbox[1], &pbox[2]);
draw_line(&pbox[4], &pbox[7]);
draw_line(&pbox[5], &pbox[6]);
draw_line(&pbox[0], &pbox[5]);
draw_line(&pbox[1], &pbox[4]);
draw_line(&pbox[2], &pbox[7]);
draw_line(&pbox[3], &pbox[6]);

draw_line(&pcenter[0], &pcenter[1]);

draw_line_f(&pbox[0], &pbox[2]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[1], &pbox[3]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[4], &pbox[6]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[5], &pbox[7]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[0], &pbox[4]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[1], &pbox[5]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[2], &pbox[6]);
draw_line_f(&pbox[3], &pbox[7]);
setcolor(HSVtoRGB(scene->fs, 1.0f, 1.0f));
outtextxy(0, 0, (char*)"Press W, S, A or D to move the camera");
return 0;

int main()
#define MAXSTAR 500
struct STAR star[MAXSTAR];
struct SCENE scene = {0};
int i;
int g = TRUECOLORSIZE, m = SIZE2DWORD(sc_width, sc_height);
initgraph(&g, &m, "3d Ball");

scene.star = star;
scene.drz = 0;
scene.dx = 0;
scene.dz = 3;
scene.fs = 0;
scene.nMaxStar = MAXSTAR;

set_3dview((float)(sc_width / 2), (float)(sc_height / 2), (float)(sc_width), (float)(sc_height));
for (i = 0; i < scene.nMaxStar; i++) { InitStar(star + i); } message_addkeyhandler(&scene, on_msg_key); ege_gameloop(on_update, &scene, 60, on_render, &scene, 0); closegraph(); #undef MAXSTAR return 0; } [/cc]

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