Clash 小火箭 v2ray节点购买
GoogleIf you are having an Error saying "the program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0", then you can easily fix it by downloading the file api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll and placing it into the folders mentioned in the Installation instructions
这是最终的标准解决方法! 百度搜索出来的都是没法用的。
Installation instructions
Download the file according to your system: - 32-Bit -> 32-Bit File - 64-Bit -> 32 + 64 Bit File Extract the .dll File from the downloaded Zip-File/s. Copy/Paste the file/s into the designated folder: 32-Bit Windows: - 32-Bit Version -> C:\Windows\System32 64-Bit Windows: - 32-Bit Version -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64 - 64-Bit Version -> C:\Windows\System32 下载地址: 32位: https://www.sts-tutorial.com/sites/content/files/dll/api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll%20(32-Bit).zip 64位: https://www.sts-tutorial.com/sites/content/files/dll/api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll%20(64-Bit).zip