##1.1 主机
##1.2 角色
#2.如何构建主机列表(host lists) ?
##2.1 四种主机定义方式
###(1)Globally, via env
###(2)Globally, via the command line
###(3)Per-task, via the command line
###(4)Per-task, via decorators
##2.2 主机定义的优先顺序
##2.3 测试
#3. 其它
##3.1 合并主机列表
##3.2 重复的主机
##3.3 不包含指定的主机
##3.4 使用execute智能执行task
1.1 主机
主机的定义格式为: username@hostname:port
ip6格式同样是支持的。例如::1, [::1]:1222, user@2001:db8::1 or user@[2001:db8::1]:1222
1.2 角色
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env
env.roledefs['webservers'] = ['www1', 'www2', 'www3']
from fabric.api import env
env.roledefs = {
'web': ['www1', 'www2', 'www3'],
'dns': ['ns1', 'ns2']
2.如何构建主机列表(host lists) ?
2.1 四种主机定义方式
(1)Globally, via env
最常见的方式是通过设置 env: hosts and roles 。
例子1: fabfile.py
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, run
env.hosts = ['host1', 'host2']
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
# fab mytask
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host1... done.
例子2: 动态设置env.hosts
我们可以在task中设置env.hosts, 它会影响接下来执行的tasks
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, run
def set_hosts():
env.hosts = ['host1', 'host2']
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
fab set_hosts mytask
(2)Globally, via the command line
你可在在模块中通过 env.hosts, env.roles, env.exclude_hosts 来定义主机,也可以通过命令行参数 hosts/-H 和 --roles/-R 来定义主机。
[cc lang="php"]
$ fab -H host1,host2 mytask
[cc lang="php"]
命令行参数会在fabfile文件载入方前被解释,所以fabfile文件中定义的env.hosts or env.roles会覆盖命令行参数。 如果你想合并它们,让在fabfile中使用 env.hosts.extend() 代替。
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, run
env.hosts.extend(['host3', 'host4'])
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
执行: fab -H host1,host2 mytask, 主机会包括: ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4']
(3)Per-task, via the command line
对每个task, 使用命令行定义hosts。
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import run
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
$ fab mytask:hosts="host1;host2"
[cc lang="php"]
$ cat fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, run
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
$ fab mytask:hosts="host1;host2"
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host1... done.
(4)Per-task, via decorators
可以针对每一个task, 可以使用 hosts 或 roles decorators。
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import hosts, run
@hosts('host1', 'host2')
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
my_hosts = ('host1', 'host2')
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
2.2 主机定义的优先顺序
官方说明: Order of precedence
Per-task, command-line host lists (fab mytask:host=host1) override absolutely everything else. Per-task, decorator-specified host lists (@hosts('host1')) override the env variables. Globally specified host lists set in the fabfile (env.hosts = ['host1']) can override such lists set on the command-line, but only if you’re not careful (or want them to.) Globally specified host lists set on the command-line (--hosts=host1) will initialize the env variables, but that’s it. 说明: Per-task, command-line host lists (fab mytask:host=host1) 会绝对覆盖所有的hosts定义。 Per-task, decorator-specified host lists (@hosts('host1')) 会覆盖 env 变量(env variables)。 Globally specified host lists set in the fabfile (env.hosts = ['host1']) 会覆盖command-lin定义的主机列表。 Globally specified host lists set on the command-line (--hosts=host1) 会初始化env 变量(env variables), 但仅仅如此。
2.3 测试
2.3.1 测试1
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, hosts, run
env.hosts = ['host1']
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
# fabfile定义的env.hosts会覆盖命令行的定义(-H)
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab -H host2 mytask
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
Disconnecting from host1... done.
# 命令行task里面的主机定义会覆盖掉"fabfile定义的env.hosts"及"命令行里的定义(-H)"
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab -H host2 mytask:hosts=host3
[host3] Executing task 'mytask'
[host3] run: ls /var/www
[host3] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host3] out:
Disconnecting from host3... done.
2.3.2 测试2
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, hosts, run
env.hosts = ['host1']
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
# fabfile里面的task hosts定义会覆盖env.hosts定义
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab mytask
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab -H 'host3' mytask
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab -H host3 mytask
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
# 命令行内的task hosts定义会覆盖所有定义
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab -H host3 mytask:hosts="host1"
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
Disconnecting from host1... done.
3. 其它
3.1 合并主机列表
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, hosts, roles, run
env.roledefs = {'role1': ['host2', 'host3']}
@hosts('host1', 'host2')
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[cc lang="php"]
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab mytask
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
[host3] Executing task 'mytask'
[host3] run: ls /var/www
[host3] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host3] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host3... done.
Disconnecting from host1... done.
3.2 重复的主机
fabric会删除重复的host, 所以对于每个task,每个host只会执行一次。 如果不需要删除重复的主机,请设置 env.dedupe_hosts 为 False.
[cc lang="php"]
[root@fabserver fabric]# cat fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, hosts, roles, run
env.roledefs = {'role1': ['host2', 'host3']}
env.dedupe_hosts = False
@hosts('host1', 'host2')
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab mytask
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
[host3] Executing task 'mytask'
[host3] run: ls /var/www
[host3] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host3] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host3... done.
Disconnecting from host1... done.
3.3 不包含指定的主机
在命令行中使用 --exclude-hosts/-x 定义
[cc lang="php"]
[root@fabserver fabric]# cat fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, hosts, roles, run
env.roledefs = {'role1': ['host2', 'host3']}
@hosts('host1', 'host2')
def mytask():
run('ls /var/www')
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab mytask -x host1
[host1] Executing task 'mytask'
[host1] run: ls /var/www
[host1] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host1] out:
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
[host3] Executing task 'mytask'
[host3] run: ls /var/www
[host3] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host3] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host3... done.
Disconnecting from host1... done.
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab mytask:exclude_hosts="host1"
[host2] Executing task 'mytask'
[host2] run: ls /var/www
[host2] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host2] out:
[host3] Executing task 'mytask'
[host3] run: ls /var/www
[host3] out: cgi-bin error html icons
[host3] out:
Disconnecting from host2... done.
Disconnecting from host3... done.
注意: Host exclusion lists 跟 host lists 一样,是不能在不同的级别(level)合并在一起的。
例如:全局的 -x 选项不会影响到per-task host list 设置的。同样的per-task的exclude_hosts会影响全局的-H 定义的主机列表。
3.4 使用execute智能执行task
3.4.1 智能执行task
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import env, run, roles, execute
env.roledefs = {
'db': ['host1', 'host2'],
'web': ['host3'],
def migrate():
# Database stuff here.
def update():
# Code updates here.
def deploy():
执行 $ fab migrate update 和 $ fab deploy 是一样的效果。
[cc lang="php"]
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab migrate update
[host1] Executing task 'migrate'
[host2] Executing task 'migrate'
[host3] Executing task 'update'
[root@fabserver fabric]# fab deploy
[host1] Executing task 'migrate'
[host2] Executing task 'migrate'
[host3] Executing task 'update'
3.4.2 动态设置主机列表
[cc lang="php"]
from fabric.api import run, execute, task
# For example, code talking to an HTTP API, or a database, or ...
from mylib import external_datastore
# This is the actual algorithm involved. It does not care about host
# lists at all.
def do_work():
run("something interesting on a host")
# This is the user-facing task invoked on the command line.
def deploy(lookup_param):
# This is the magic you don't get with @hosts or @roles.
# Even lazy-loading roles require you to declare available roles
# beforehand. Here, the sky is the limit.
host_list = external_datastore.query(lookup_param)
# Put this dynamically generated host list together with the work to be
# done.
execute(do_work, hosts=host_list)
[cc lang="php"]
$ fab deploy:app
[cc lang="php"]
$ fab deploy:db
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